The Best Ways to Invest in Your 20s | Phil Town ~ Prigloorg
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Thursday 5 April 2018

The Best Ways to Invest in Your 20s | Phil Town


When it comes to investing, the earlier you start the better. Compounding works in such a way that your money grows exponentially on itself. If you are in your 20s and want to get a head start on investing, here are a few investing tips for beginners to help you out.

A person who starts investing just a few years earlier could end up with many times more money when it comes time to retire than they would have had if they started later in life.

For more investing tips, click the link above to signup my FREE training, called the 6 Market Crushing Principles of Investing.

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investing advice, investing in 20s, investing early, how to start investing, tips for investing, investing in stocks, invest in 20s, investing in your 20s,


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  1. Hey folks, thanks for watching today's video. I hope you enjoyed it! If you want to get started with investing, I want to offer you my free quick start guide, download it here >>

  2. You forgot to tell them to give me your money so I can double it. 😆 JK good points.

  3. invest in your self: health and skills

  4. hello sir i am 22 years old and i have decent amout of savings.i am a manager and earning around €2100 each month but i dnt know where to invest and how to invest can you plz help me out with this ...?


  5. What’s the best way for a pilot to invest his annual income?

  6. Easy to say. Rule 1 investing. Investing in food, books or what 😄?

  7. I'm lucky because I'm 20, and all my friends are in their late 20s or 30s so I never went through that "clubbing/partying" phase to throw money around. I tripled my income in the last month and I just keep going up 😁

  8. Just throw it at bitcoin or litecoin and hope for the best YOLO!!

  9. Im 23, live in New Zealand, I habe savingings of around $45kNZD, i run a small shoe reselling business @sneakerfinder___ through instagram (please follow me). I also work in a lab full time making cell culture media for use in the pharmaceutical industry while paying off my interest free university loan. I save a lot, invesnt in myself and have a retirement fund (like 401k) but i feel I'm ready to invest into bigger things but I'm not sure how to do it. Can you please make a video to help people chose what industries or things we should invest out money in this day and age? How can i make a sound invest where I'm from? NZ is a small country, where should i put my money to help it grow? Thank you

  10. I have a savings account. One day someone told me not to save through a savings account. They said my money wouldn’t grow in the future. I am new to this and confused. Why not? What did they mean? Should I be investing someplace else other than my primary bank? Example Wells Fargo

  11. Is the Canadian equivalent to the ROTH IRA a TFSA?

  12. Do you need to be in the same tax bracket when you take the money out of the Roth IRA as when you first put the money in?

  13. what if I put away in saving account 1,000 dollars but I going to college, so I can't work. how can I make it grow.

  14. Ayyye I'm off to a good start financial aid got ya boy

  15. "Let's just say you're going to double your money 20 times in the course of your lifetime."

    Highly unlikely

  16. My investing goals are to

    a) max out my ROTH IRA every year (if I can afford to)

    b) have an emergency fund of 10,000 USD

    c) contribute to my 401k up to the match

    d) save anything else I can for a down payment on an investment property.

  17. spouse and I drop over 30k a year annually in our 401k to lower our AGI to be tax no more than 12% after the 24k standard deduction. Wouldn't you count instantly saving 10% on taxes a valuable factor for pumping more into 401k?

  18. Don't go to college. Don't have kids. Don't get borned. Don't be alive. Don't live.

  19. Regret going to college. Biggest scam in America

  20. What do you think about investing in real state in your 20s?

  21. I have a very detailed investment plan that I have set up. I can retire (with millions) by 49. It's all about goals and starting investing early.

  22. Should I use money to invest instead of paying off student loans? My loans are anywhere between 4-5% a year but I think I can beat it with just REITs and dividends

  23. How do we learn to invest?
    What is a good no-BS book I can read to learn how to invest?

  24. How do I learn??? I want to invest but I don't understand your no. 1! Where do I start? which books to read? Ah help, please!

  25. Ah it’s so simple now. All I have to do is double my money every six months. Why has no one ever told me this! Can wait to be a trillionaire

  26. 7:30 the fucking golden advice of this century.

  27. #6 is extremely important. If the company you work for has anything like a 401k match or ESPP, take full advantage. Its free money.

  28. Mr Phil, there are people around the world watching your videos. I'm from Malaysia, aged 20's. Please help international people, how to invest, save and gain more money when we get older. Please refrain using US sort of loan or insurance company or benefits to tell us, because not every countries' have the same like US

  29. I'm interested in investment, is their a possibility to get your email? For a proper conversation.

  30. Can all you crypto nerds just leave the internet forever... no one gives a fuck about your delusions... too the moon my ass.... more like deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole you go. Let me know how those crypto tulips are in a couple years time :)

  31. I didn't even watch the video but let me save you 9 minutes and 10 seconds.
    Just throw all your money in a low-fee stock market index fund, like the Vanguard Total Stock Market Fund, then don't do anything but sit on it until you retire. Tada.

  32. ROTH IRAs are the best!!! I wish more people knew about their benefits. Thanks for sharing. :)

  33. 20x in your life haha impossible for this style of investing.

  34. Hello! I enjoyed your video and respect what you are saying! However, what would happen if I am constantly putting money aside and all of a sudden an inflation breaks in? Sometimes it is very hard to predict, but it just happens. Thank you again!

  35. Insane that they NEVER talk about this in school
